
I am trying to milk my job for everything I can learn from it, since in  itself it isn’t very satisfying. Even in this insignificant retail job, I see the range of human behavior, from the people who comes back to pay for something they forgot in their carts, to the ones who try to scam with gift cards or leave containers of half-eaten food around the store. It disheartens me to observe bad behavior, and even more to realize that some of these folks were never taught that what they are doing is wrong.

Sometimes working with my colleagues is like revisiting middle school. I jockey for position, as if it matters in the long run, on any particular day, whether I “win” a power play or end up “giving in.” It doesn’t matter, except to my fragile ego, but I can let it grow to Shakespearean dramatic heights.

Experiences such as these, on this small scale, give me insight into why the world scene is so troubled. Many on the world stage are also acting out of middle-school motives, but they have the power to cause national and global crises.

That my place of employment continues to function can seem miraculous, given the mini-dramas those of us who work there can create among ourselves. That we human beings continue to exist in a world where our leaders “act out” on the world stage is an argument for the reality of grace.

simply grateful – life lessons from Scout Labradoodle

It’s impossible to resist Derek’s photos and stories about Scout – and who would want to? Anyone who has loved an animal can relate. They ask so little of us: food, shelter, and not to be mistreated. In some cases, what we get in return is nothing short of a reason to keep going.

Derek Maul: Words & Photographs for the Journey


Be at peace among yourselves. And we urge you, beloved, to admonish the idlers, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with all of them. See that none of you repays evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to all. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. – 1 Thessalonians 5:13-18

HEAVY: It’s been a fairly heavy week again in the blog-o-sphere – both the heartbreak and the hope. I’ve written about terrorism, fear, refugees, and extremism; and also promise, love, faith, and then – yesterday – the beauty of community, and young parents presenting their child to God in Covenant Baptism.

Today I’m lowering the intensity and sharing a few images of Rebekah’s irresistible dog, Scout Labradoodle.

IMG_3954Yesterday, when I was in the kitchen preparing…

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Not a Toddler Anymore

I’m finding my job to be a discipline. I don’t mean just the discipline of getting to work on time and in good shape when I’m scheduled. I mean that I need to discipline myself constantly in interactions with customers and co-workers.

It’s more than just avoiding temper tantrums, which most two-year-olds learn to do. It means stepping back from whatever emotional reaction I might be having in order to focus on getting the job done. Was the customer rude? It’s not about me. Either the customer is usually rude to most people, or something happened before I encountered her that made her rude to me today. Is my co-worker bossy today? Although my first instinct is to tell her not to do my job, I need to step back and react to her as a co-worker, not an affronted toddler.

I come from a religious tradition that focuses a lot on created  disciplines such as avoiding certain foods at certain times of the year. It is a much bigger challenge to do my job well, remaining tranquil and polite in the face of unpredictable people and circumstances.

Of course, I knew all of this before; however, I find that my present job challenges me to practice this self-discipline (which is nothing more than acting like an adult!) as never before.

I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”

I just had to pass along this irresistible photo! If you like it, visit Derek’s blog for others. Make sure to view his fall photos in particular.

Derek Maul: Words & Photographs for the Journey

IMG_2439-002Happy Sunday morning, friends! I trust you have enjoyed that extra hour of sleep. If not, then you’re either going to be accidentally helping to set up the 9:00 service (“I guess I’m here so I might as well pitch in”), or if you’re an hour early for traditional worship that means maybe I’ll see you in my discipleship class!

Because today is a Sunday, my first “meme of the week” is a simple affirmation of the fact that my heart is always glad when I show up for worship! Great church; the very best people; authentic worship; inspirational preaching; our most wonderful God!

So, come to WFPC if you are anywhere near this part of North Carolina. We will be glad to see you; and it will be extra special to share communion together, as brothers and sisters.

IMG_3562-001DOG MISBEHAVIOR! Then, “meme #2” popped up while I was vacuuming, in detail, chasing down…

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